WhatsApp Spammer

We know everybody is talking about WhatsApp Hacking nowadays. So here in FroZen CodeZ, we came up with the Spamming idea by adding a JavaScript Code Snippet in the WhatsApp Web by which we can automate the number of messages to send on the respective chat of particular Friend/Group by using WhatsApp Spammer Code.

WhatsApp Spammer

What Is WhatsApp Spammer ??

In simple words we can say that by using WhatsApp Spammer JavaScript Code Snippet, We can send any number of messages to our any WhatsApp Contact/Group without taking the effort of writing and pressing the send button for a particular message again and again.

WhatsApp Spammer JavaScript Code Snippet

// for send function to select input
function dispatch(target, eventType, char) {
var evt = document.createEvent(“TextEvent”);   
evt.initTextEvent (eventType, true, true, window, char, 0, “en-US”);

// enters input and clicks button
function send(msg){

// For Loop to spam. Edit “i<500” to customize

    send(“Let Me Spam You ” +i);

Steps To Use Above Code For WhatsApp Spamming



    1. Open your WhatsApp Web.


    1. Open the respective chat of particular Friend/Group.


    1. Copy the above given code and paste it into your Notepad so that you can edit it for the number of message repetitions as you wish.


    1. Edit the For Loop in code and put the number of messages you want to send/repeat (Here I’ve used “i<500” so the receiver will receive 500 messages ) and you can also edit the message string as you wish.


    1. Now just right-click on the WhatsApp Web and opt for Inspect Element/Inspect or Simply hit the F12 button.


    1. Copy paste the edited code on the Console & hit Enter.


    1. Done!!



Go easy on the Number of Repetitions, As this might crash your Friend’s/Victim’s Phone & WhatsApp.

Note: – This guide is only for knowledge purpose and shouldn’t be used for any illegal activities as we are not responsible for anything happens with this.

So, we hope that we provided the best WhatsApp Hack to have fun with your friend’s. And if you like this article then don’t forget to share it with your friends and always feel free to drop a comment below if you have any query or feedback.
Frozen Codez

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  1. Mohshin says:

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token


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